Moyer Accounting Services LLC
"Working with our clients, not simply for them."
Joyce M. Moyer, M. Ed., R.T.R.P., AFSP
Moyer Accounting Services LLC
Joyce is a self-employed tax accountant and owns Moyer Accounting Services. She completes her additional certification for the Internal Revenue's AFSP program yearly. She received the title of Registered Tax Return Preparer as commissioned by the Internal Revenue Service on March 09, 2012. She completed her additional certification in 2014, 2015 & 2016 for the Internal Revenues AFSF program.
She earned an Associate Degree from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Mount Vernon, Ohio. She graduated Magna cum Laude from Mid America Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas, where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Education. She has completed her Master’s in Education through Bowling Green State University. She is a retired adjunct faculty member in the Office for Educational Outreach at BGSU Firelands and holds a current teaching certificate with the State of Ohio.
For the past 46 years, Joyce Moyer has been involved in facilitating and teaching seminars, workshops, and courses in computers, ISO, Action teams, Soft Skills, Six Sigma, professional leadership development, team-building, business process improvement, reengineering for business and service processes, courses on How to Start a Business, Quicken, Equine Horsemanship, Breeding and Farm Management, aerobics and line dancing.
In her popular Income Tax Seminar she teaches her “Hobby Versus Business Seminar” within each individual’s business plan (Explaining what can be deducted and how it needs to be tracked to meet the Internal Revenue Service requirements is covered in detail). Time is allotted for answering each person’s business questions.
For the past 4 years Joyce and husband, Terrance, have been involved in Life Leadership - a business for personal growth, professional leadership skills, and guidance.
Joyce plans to enjoy many years of helping others reach their "Best Bottom Line" and believes in "Working with our clients, not simply for them!"